Hi everyone,
I have recieved two lovely awards from two lovely bloggers.
Award number 1
The first one i recieved from the lovely
Elaine back in october
Big thank you sorry it has took me so long to post it.
The rules for this award are you must write 5 things about yourself and pass it on to 5 other bloggers.
So here are my five things.
1.I am addicted to crafting.
2.I used to be a chocoholic (not sure if i'm cured fully)lol
3.I have now lost 3st 7lb yay
4. I love gardening (but not in winter)
5. I would rather listen to music than watch TV i only watch 2 programmes a week
Well now who am i going to send this award on to lets see it has to be five so here they are the fantastic five.
All are fabulous bloggers with fantastic blogs full of inspiration for us all:)
Award number 2
This award is from the lovely
Dawn thank you so much :)
Rules for this award are list 5 things you like to do and pass on to 5 other bloggers.
So here are the 5 things i like to do in no particular order:)
1. Crafting of course.
2. Buying crafty stash.
3. Blogging as much as i can.
4. making cakes and trying not to eat them lol.
5. Watching X factor followed by Doc Martin (sad or what) lol
And now to pass this on to 5 fantastic bloggers well here we go.
who have fabulous blogs full of inspiration for everyone to share:)
Well now i gotta go tell them all catch you later
Big hugzz Val xxx